Ancient mosaic depicting the parable of God's judgment separating the sheep form the goats.


  • Solus Amor (Part 2)

    Solus Amor (Part 2)

    Last time I tried to make the case (even if somewhat rambling) that if we want to distill the message of Salvation down to one essential, to the one thing that is absolutely necessary and sufficient to receive that Salvation, I would say it is “Solus Amor”; Love alone. And by Love, I mean the Love exemplified at the cross: the Love of God. If I have that, and if that is how I Love God above all things and my neighbor as myself, then everything else will (and must) follow.

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  • Solus Amor. Sola Crucis.

    Solus Amor. Sola Crucis.

    Martin Luther’s rallying cry for the Protestant Reformation was sola fide: Faith alone! Faith is all that is required for salvation. But you could ask: faith in what? And although that should be obvious, given who Martin Luther was, clarification is necessary in the face of humanity’s never-ending search for loopholes. (In fact, we can look at the apostle James’ epistle as a response to this self-same trait of humanity rearing up its ugly head in the early Church.) So, we clarify the declaration by adding sola scriptura, solus Christus, sola gratia: Scripture alone is enough, Christ alone is enough, Grace alone is enough. How can four things “alone” be enough? Sounds like dicey arithmetic. The answer is: They are inseparable.

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  • We need to learn when to shake, when to bow, when to stand and sing, and when to shout.

    We need to learn when to shake, when to bow, when to stand and sing, and when to shout.

    I preached this sermon back in July of 1998 at the Towers Jail in Phoenix. And I still remember it distinctly. At that time, we did the Church Service in the visitation/common room near the front of the Jail… but that day it might as well have been an old-style Baptist Church.

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  • Christmas 2024

    Christmas 2024

    (For Christmas this year, I am going back to a sermon I preached in Durango jail back in 2011. All Scripture quotes here are from the NIV.)

    People say that the two days most likely for people to go to Church, even if they do not go the rest of the year, are Christmas and Easter – Resurrection Sunday. Of these, I think Christmas has the more powerful draw because it is connected with memories of childhood. Now, I don’t know how that childhood was for you, maybe it was not perfect. But seeing it as we saw it, as children, I bet it was always filled with optimism.  I mean children always have a way of finding the best in everything. Children are always willing to believe the best, to hope the best, to expect the best without hesitation. Right?

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  • Signposts


    We are in the 12th chapter of John’s gospel. When the chapter is over, Jesus’ direct ministry to His people will be over. The next chapters after this will show us an intense last-minute ministry to His disciples and then will come the end: the fulfillment of His mission. Last time I quoted that passage from Isaiah where God the Father, talking to the Son, tells Him that His mission is not only to restore the preserved of Israel but also to be a light to the Gentiles; to be the Salvation of the whole Earth. Which means that when Gentiles start to see the light, we know the end is near. Which is why this next passage in John 12 is so significant.

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  • Fait accompli

    Fait accompli

    Several times in this study through the gospel of John, I have pointed out when his narrative omits events that you find in the synoptic gospels. He skips months of the ministry of Jesus only to, suddenly, stop and focus on a given moment. This is about to happen. Chapters 13 through 17 are focused on the few hours of the last night of Jesus’ ministry… a time devoted entirely to His disciples. Chapter 12, where we are now, is then John’s summary of the conclusion of Jesus’ ministry to His people.

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